As a father of two young women living in London, I hold this one very close to my heart. This campaign touched a raw nerve in society and some deep-seated emotions (as you'd expect given how pervasive and hate-fuelled misogyny is).
It was the subject of many articles in The Times, The Sunday Times, The Guardian, BBC (including a 25 minute debate on BBC radio), The Daily Mail, The Sun, ITV and many other news outlets in all media channels.
The campaign became larger than London and indeed the UK. Not only did the Mayor of New York approach us for data on the results, it also ended up informing the work at the UK College of Policing and it's now part of the syllabus for all primary and secondary schools in England and Wales.
The industry recognition was equally memorable, winning 4 D&AD Pencils, UK and EMEA Effies, Golds at LIAs, 2 Grand Prix and The Grand Prix of all Grand Prix at the Drum Awards.